I decided to try the 'Rhubarb Gems' recipe again, this time adding ginger to the mix to add some more flavour.
I baked the same recipe as before, but cooked it as one loaf rather than lots of little ones. I like that as you cut the cake you can see pieces of the rhubarb!
I added in two pieces of chopped up stem ginger and also added in two teaspoons of ground ginger for a bit more of a kick as I do like ginger. It was enough to add the flavour without being overpowering.

I decorated the top with slices of rhubarb and they baked in nicely.
I also tried it warmed up as well as having it cold and it is delicious both ways!

The recipe as before is below but these are my amendments :
I used two sticks of rhubarb cut up in the cake and other for the decoration on top
I chopped up two pieces of stem ginger and added it to the mixture
I used two teaspoons of ground ginger inside too
I baked it in a 2lbs loaf tin instead of individual tins
It took about 40 minutes to bake but I kept checking on it after 30 minutes
