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Fresh Baked Scones


Using my vintage cookbooks to recreate recipes from the past

Are you ready to get inspired by recipes from yesteryear? If you love trying new ideas and filling your kitchen with delicious aromas, you came to the right place. Join me on a culinary journey —exciting retro and vintage recipes  are just a click away.

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Banana pancake bites

I love pancakes and waffles so I wanted to try the trend for these banana bites I used my go to batter recipe from Cooking in War time by...

Whipped cream cake

I had a pot of double cream which I was given but didn't know what to make with it! I looked through my cookbooks and found this cake in...

Rhubarb and Ginger cake

I decided to try the 'Rhubarb Gems' recipe again, this time adding ginger to the mix to add some more flavour. I baked the same recipe as...

Red, white and blue Coronation blancmange

I recently bought a lovely antique ceramic jelly mould which I thought would be good for a three layer blancmange To create this...

Rhubarb Gems

I used to have an allotment which produced a massive amount of rhubarb. I miss having such an amazing amount of rhubarb, so when I found...

Trefoil buns

My sister has many different herbs growing in her garden. Her caraway plant has flowered and produced lots of seeds which she wanted to...


I've been wanting to make a trifle for ages. When I realised that I still had the red, white and blue cake leftover from the Jubilee...

4th July dinner

I love any reason to cook dinner around a theme, so when I saw this meal plan in my Betty Crocker picture cook book I knew I had to...

Coffee and walnut cake

This recipe come from Storks cookery book 'The Art of Home cooking' and is based on a madeira cake. The obvious variation being to add in...

Chocolate biscuit cake

This is one of my favourite recipes as you can pretty much add whatever you have in to it, and it always comes out lovely. It is called...

Manningtree Emporium

During the Bank Holiday weekend I visited Manningtree antiques Emporium. It is a warehouse on the edge of an industrial estate that...

How to create a chequer board cake

I've now made three chequer board cakes, all with different colours. I thought I would share my experience and explain how I made these...

Smiley face biscuits

It's National Biscuit Day today 29th May, and in celebration of this I made these chocolate smiley face biscuits. The recipe is based on...

Orange juice blacmange

I bought a vintage ceramic jelly mould last year at an antiques fair at The Museum of Power, which is very local to where I live. I had...

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